Description of the visit:

This path introduces to the science of oil with lab activities that will bring students closer to one of the most ancient practices of the Mediterranean people: the production of olive oil.

Collect the olives? By hand? Mah ... how can you do that? Come to the Oasi's olive grove , in the season when the olives are ripe, to collect them together and bring them to the mill! Rakes, buckets, quick hands to learn the movements, a little exercise in the open air and a lot, so much satisfaction! Team working, maybe struggling a little, however, certain that the effort was useful because we get oil from our olives! Those who wish can attend the whole process of extraction of the so-called "peoples' gold", directly at the mill. The different qualities of olives and the organoleptic properties of extra virgin olive oil, EVO, will also be illustrated. A special day to bring children and young people to one of the oldest and most precious farming practices at the base of the Mediterranean diet, through healthy physical activity. An important opportunity for young people to understand what the dignity of individual and team work means, the fruits of which will be useful for themselves and for others.

  • Grade of the School: Secondaria I grado
  • Cost: 1/2 giornata € 8,00 ad alunno intera giornata € 16,00 ad alunno
  • Code: PER.C1
  • Duration: Giornata intera oppure mezza giornata

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