Description of the visit:

Path dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet that traces the history and the founding elements. The route includes a visit to Pioppi and experimental laboratories.

A day dedicated to the Mediterranean diet, so healthy to be declared "World Heritage Site" by UNESCO. The journey starts from Pioppi, home of the Mediterranean Diet, because right here Dr. Ancel Keys identified fundamental and beneficial elements. In the Museum an interactive laboratory will give us the tools to think about the effects caused on us and on the environment by what we eat. Starting from the food pyramid, we will talk about the ecological footprint generated by our food choices, customs and lifestyle, the advantages of the Mediterranean food model.

In the second stage, at Oasi Fiume Alento, an original lab awaits us where, among experiments and practical tests, we will know what happens in our body when we eat a whole range of foods ... Enjoy your meal and to our health!

Route structure:
- workshops at Museo Vivente della Dieta Mediterranea of Pioppi (Pollica)
- transfer to the Oasi Fiume Alento (transport by coach to the school)
- lunch break
- "Mani in Pasta" kindergarten workshop
- Alento Dam Guided tour (DETAILS)

You can combine the excursion with a boat guide-tour on Lake Alento: duration 45 '; cost per student: € 2.00 (the availability of this service depends on weather conditions).

  • Grade of the School: Secondaria I grado
  • Cost: Programma intera giornata € 16,00
  • Code: PER.C2
  • Duration: Giornata intera

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Take your students to the Cilento park