Description of the visit:

The archaeological site of Poseidon - Paestum is a treasure chest full of treasures to be enjoyed. Walking through the ruins of the magnificent temples of the ancient city founded by settlers from Sybaris in VII century b.C, conquered by Lucanians in the late V century b.C. and finally came under the control of Rome, you may understand the urban planning of the city divided into a residential part and a part for public functions. In a stunning location, you may admire the Temple of Athena (also called Temple of Ceres), the Temple of Hera (also called Basilica) and the Temple of Neptune (probably dedicated to Apollo) and you may visit the rooms of the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum, one of the most important museums "on site" in Italy.

By walking throughout the archaeological excavations of Elea-Velia, the ancient Greek colony founded around 540 b.C. by a group of Greeks from Asia Minor, is possible to make a jump in local history and see which people have inhabited Cilento lands, what were their attitudes and inclinations and how they organized their city. Observation of the materials used in the different eras, the analysis of urban structures present in the site, walking in the footsteps of the philosophers Parmenides and Zeno, in a marriage of Greek, Roman and medieval culture, also documented in the two museum areas set up on the Acropolis, is the perfect way to go back in time to explore the past and to understand the basis upon which our future rests.

  • Grade of the School: Secondaria I grado
  • Cost: Le visite guidate presso l’Oasi Fiume Alento possono essere strutturate in ½ giornata o prevedere un’intera giornata presso la nostra struttura.La ½ giornata prevede: la visita guidata “DIGA E SISTEMI DI MONITORAGGIO”, la “PASSEGGIATA NATURALISTICA IN OASI”, “L’ORTO BOTANICO”. La giornata intera prevede: la visita guidata “DIGA E SISTEMI DI MONITORAGGIO”, la “PASSEGGIATA NATURALISTICA IN OASI”, “L’ ORTO BOTANICO”; una visita guidata a scelta tra: POSEIDONIA – PAESTUM o ELEA – VELIA. In più è possibile effettuare l’ESCURSIONE IN BATTELLO al costo aggiuntivo di € 2.00 ad alunno. Mezza giornata: € 5.50 ad alunnoGiornata intera: € 10.00 ad alunno con laboratorioEscursione in battello € 2.00Il costo include una guida ogni 35 alunni; materiale didattico di approfondimento in classe; utilizzo dell’area picnic.Possibilità di pranzo per le scuole al ristorante sito all’interno dell’Oasi Fiume Alento.

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