Face to face with Oasi

Technical-naturalistic route with the possibility of adding an educational workshop. It is one of the most popular routes. Entirely dedicated to Oasi Fiume Alento, in three steps it explains - i...

Water twirl

Educational trail to discover the water cycle in nature. Lina the droplet travels a lot and as soon as she gets home she already packs the bags again! An animated story and a series of playing a...

With... touch

Experiential and educational path that involves the approach of the child to the farm animals, to learn to know and love them. Face to face with the farm animals! Have you ever seen how a bunny sleeps, how a horse loves to...

In the footsteps of Ancel Keys

Path dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet that traces the history and the founding elements. The route includes a visit to Pioppi and experimental laboratories. A day...

Discovering Seeds

A biology lab that teaches the various types of seeds, their role in nature and their use.  A series of engaging activities for children to touch nature, as&nbs...

Recycling paper

This laboratory provides a deepening on the history of paper and manual activities related to the recovery and recycling of the same. Water, used sheets of paper, fr...

Pasta and cheese

This kitchen workshop introduces some of the most representative Cilentan dishes such as cavatielli and mozzarella, involving students in their practical creation. Mmmmm...

The dam and monitoring systems

Technical tour to the discover of Alento Dam. The guide will explain the history of the structure and how it is used. Internal tunnels and monitoring systems will also be visited.

Visit to the Botanical garden

A visit to the botanical garden of Oasi Fiume Alento to the discovery of the five most representative environments of the Cilento area. The Mediterranean Botanical Garde...

Walk through the nature

The naturalistic visit allows you to get familiar with the river environment downstream of the dam, as well as its flora and the habitats created.  Gu...

Il lago che non c'era: tour virtuale diga ed oasi

“Il lago che non c’era” è un format di live geo-storytelling, pensato appositamente per le scuole primarie. Il luogo (l’Oasi) e l’approccio al racconto di Fly Mee Too interagiscono fi...

Face to face with Oasi

Technical-naturalistic route with the possibility of adding an educational workshop. It is one of the most popular routes. Entirely dedicated to Oasi Fiume Alento, in three steps it explains - i...

The value of water

Educational path to discover the ecosystem that is developing thanks to both sweet and salty water. The sea, the river, the lake ... salt water, fresh water ... How many different ecosystems around us, where water is the&n...

Water on this Earth

Path dedicated to the discovery of the secrets of water, with a series of indoor and outdoor activities. What is water made of? What is the water cycle and what role doe...

From Earth to earth

Educational path dedicated to learn through direct experience the life cycle of plants and to take care of a vegetable garden. More and more youngsters are going ba...

With... touch

Experiential and educational path that involves the approach of the child to the farm animals, to learn to know and love them. Face to face with the farm animals! Have you ever seen how a bunny sleeps, how a horse loves to be c...

Extra Vergin Olive Oil LAB

This path introduces to the science of oil with lab activities that will bring students closer to one of the most ancient practices of the Mediterranean people: the production of olive oil.

In the footsteps of Ancel Keys

Path dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet that traces the history and the founding elements. The route includes a visit to Pioppi and experimental laboratories. A day ded...

H20 Junior

Lab full of experiments dedicated to the study of water properties, suitable for children.   What features does water have? A series of experiments will sti...

Water for children

Interactive and sensory laboratory on the properties of water suitable for children in the childhood schools. Water pushes, does not compress, it changes appearance. But...

Water and Human body

Interactive and educational laboratory dedicated to the analysis of which phenomena the water triggers in our organism from the physiological and chemical-organic point of view.

Water Detectives

Laboratory dedicated to the identification of benthic macroinvertebrates, bioindicators of the healthiness of the waters. Do we live in a clean environment? Let's look a...

I'm woods

Educational workshop on the flora and fauna of the woods. How is a wood made? Let's discover it by walking in the green of the Oasi Fiume Alento. We look, we listen, we...

Budding botanists

Educational workshop during which, through the path in Oasi, plants will be collected and then they will be used to build an herbarium. Let's go into the beautiful p...

Dyeing Plants

Educational laboratory that allows to know the coloring properties of leaves, roots and flowers of some plants and their use to dye fabrics. Leaves, flowers and roots co...

Discovering Seeds

A biology lab that teaches the various types of seeds, their role in nature and their use. A series of engaging activities for children to touch nature, as samp...

Lake ecosystem

Educational workshop to the discovery of the trophic network that includes water sampling to discover the relationship between inorganic and organic. By identifying the micro-organisms at the base of the foo...

Social insects

Lab that allows the direct observation of some species of insects in order to learn their behavior and the structure with which they are organized.  

I'm the river

Educational workshop aimed at discovering water in all its expressions, its role in nature and its effects on the animal and plant kingdoms and on soil. How is a stream...

DUPLICATO - Soil workshop

This laboratory introduces the pedology, that is the science that studies the soil, with interactive and manual sampling and analysis of the soil.   What is...

Rock and lands

This laboratory, with theoretical and practical activities in the field, allows the discovery of the various types of rocks and minerals present in the Cilento territory.  

Recycling paper

This laboratory provides a deepening on the history of paper and manual activities related to the recovery and recycling of the same. Water, used sheets of paper, frames...


This laboratory deepens the theme of plastics and provides manual activities for the realization of ecological plastic objects. What is plastic? How is it made? Are...

Pasta and cheese

This kitchen workshop introduces some of the most representative Cilentan dishes such as cavatielli and mozzarella, involving students in their practical creation. M...

Eat healthy, live better

Educational workshop to discover food, healthy eating and the principles that underlie the Mediterranean Diet. Why do we eat? What do we eat? Starting from the food pyra...


This workshop involves students in practical activities of field research in the profession of the archaeologist. What exactly does the archaeologist do? What tools does...


This activity of approach to archery is carried out with a qualified instructor and allows you to learn the secrets of one of the oldest hunting tools discovered by man.

Hiking along Fiumicello Trail

A guided-tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time: 60 '/ Total length: 2.3 km / f...

Hiking along Eucalypto Trail

Guided tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time: 60'-70 '/ Total length: 3 km / flat and uneven...

Caccia al tesoro

CACCIA AL TESORO  Un' attività dinamica che ha lo scopo di mettere in contatto dire...


Orienteering represents the perfect combination of the ability to orient and move in nature and the practice of outdoor physical activity! You will learn to read a map,...


A playful activity that presents one of the most ancient and complex table games ever invented: chess.   Rook, knight, king! Check and checkmate! Do you wan...

The dam and monitoring systems

Technical tour to the discover of Alento Dam. The guide will explain the history of the structure and how it is used. Internal tunnels and monitoring systems will also be visited.

Botanical garden

A visit to the botanical garden of Oasi Fiume Alento to the discovery of the five most representative environments of the Cilento area. The Mediterranean Botanical G...

Walk through the nature

The naturalistic visit allows you to get familiar with the river environment downstream of the dam, as well as its flora and the habitats created. Guided by an educa...

Visita al Parco Archeologico di Elea-Velia

Visita al sito archeologico di Elea-Velia e scoperta dei suoi tesori   Elea è fondata intorno al 540 a.C. da coloni greci provenienti da Focea, città greca della Ionia sit...

Visita al Parco Archeologico e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Paestum

Visita guidata al maestoso sito archeologico di Paestum e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale. I suoi fondatori, coloni greci giunti da Sibari intorno al 600 a.C., la chiama...

Energia dalla natura

Programma didattico alla scoperta dei modi alternativi per creare energia pulita, rispettando l'ambiente circostante con l'idroelettrico e il fotovoltaico. A cosa servono le dighe? Come si costruiscono? Che effe...

Scopri le piante dell'Oasi in bici

Dopo un’introduzione teorica all’interno delle aule didattiche il gruppo scolastico inizia un’esperienza trasversale che combina attività fisica, riconoscimento della vegetazione e turismo naturalistico.Parte...

Escursione in kayak sul lago

Escursione guidata in kayak sul bacino del lago artificiale sul fiume Alento.   L'attività prevede una escursione didattica con guida qualificata che illustrerà durante il percorso in kayak, le part...

Face to face with Oasi

Technical-naturalistic route with the possibility of adding an educational workshop. It is one of the most popular routes. Entirely dedicated to Oasi Fiume Alento, in three steps it explains - in a...

The value of water

Educational path to discover the ecosystem that is developing thanks to both sweet and salty water. The sea, the river, the lake ... salt water, fresh water ... How many different ecosystems aro...

From Earth to earth

Educational path dedicated to learn through direct experience the life cycle of plants and to take care of a vegetable garden. More and more youngsters are going bac...

Extra Vergin Olive Oil LAB

This path introduces to the science of oil with lab activities that will bring students closer to one of the most ancient practices of the Mediterranean people: the production of olive oil.

In the footsteps of Ancel Keys

Path dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet that traces the history and the founding elements. The route includes a visit to Pioppi and experimental laboratories. A day ded...

Physical and chemical properties of water

Laboratory with different experiments on the study of water properties from its molecular form to chemical and physical properties.  Starting from the three-dim...

Water and Human body

Interactive and educational laboratory dedicated to the analysis of which phenomena the water triggers in our organism from the physiological and chemical-organic point of view.


Biology educational workshop to learn how to evaluate the quality of the water and the surrounding environment.  An indoor and outdoor laboratory to learn what it is and how to determine the Extended Biotic Index (EBI)...

Air properties

Educational laboratory that allows to know the composition of the air and the substances that alter its composition. The air? Where is it? I see? Can you touch it? H...

Dyeing Plants

Educational laboratory that allows to know the coloring properties of leaves, roots and flowers of some plants and their use to dye fabrics. Leaves, flowers and root...

Eyes on cells

Educational laboratory that provides the observation of cells and tissues under a microscope to learn and understand the difference between animal and plant cells. W...

Social insects

Lab that allows the direct observation of some species of insects in order to learn their behavior and the structure with which they are organized. Why do some insec...

Driving Miss Froggy

Educational workshop on frogs and amphibians with insights on the morphology of frogs in Oasi, the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult specimen, habitat and ecology.  

Frog Life

Educational workshop on frogs and amphibians, the morphology of frogs in Oasi, the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult specimen, habitat and ecology. What does it ha...

Shooting pictures in nature

Naturalistic photographic laboratory to discover the basic elements of modern photography.   Step by step, we will learn to move quietly in the middle of na...

Soil workshop

This laboratory introduces the pedology, that is the science that studies the soil, with interactive and manual sampling and analysis of the soil. What is the soil?...

Rocks and lands

This laboratory, with theoretical and practical activities in the field, allows the discovery of the various types of rocks and minerals present in the Cilento territory.

Rock and lands

This laboratory, with theoretical and practical activities in the field, allows the discovery of the various types of rocks and minerals present in the Cilento territory.

Eat healthy, live better

Educational workshop to discover food, healthy eating and the principles that underlie the Mediterranean Diet. Why do we eat? What do we eat? Starting from the food...


This workshop involves students in practical activities of field research in the profession of the archaeologist. What exactly does the archaeologist do? What tools...


This activity of approach to archery is carried out with a qualified instructor and allows you to learn the secrets of one of the oldest hunting tools discovered by man.

Hiking along Fiumicello Trail

A guided-tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub.   Travel time: 60 '/ Total length: 2.3 km / flat / v...

Hiking along Eucalypto Trail

Guided tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time: 60'-70 '/ Total length: 3 km / flat and uneven /...


L'Orienteering rappresenta il perfetto connubio tra la capacità di orientarsi e muoversi in natura e la pratica di attività fisica all'aria aperta! Ese...

Oasi by bike

Cycling route on a flat dirt road in the middle of the Oasi's lush nature.   Cycling means coordination and self-esteem! And then off with a nice ride! But...


A playful activity that presents one of the most ancient and complex table games ever invented: chess. Rook, knight, king! Check and checkmate! Do you want to play c...

The dam and monitoring systems

Technical tour to the discover of Alento Dam. The guide will explain the history of the structure and how it is used. Internal tunnels and monitoring systems will also be visited.

Visit to the Botanical garden

A visit to the botanical garden of Oasi Fiume Alento to the discovery of the five most representative environments of the Cilento area. The Mediterranean Botanical G...

Nature walk in oasis

Through the nature walk in oasis is possible to know the environment of the dam. Between rows of poplar trees of myrtle and mastic, while a kingfisher on a willow branch scrutinizes the body of water of one of the ponds that populate the...

Visita al Parco Archeologico di Elea-Velia

Visita al sito archeologico di Elea-Velia e scoperta dei suoi tesori   Elea è fondata intorno al 540 a.C. da coloni greci provenienti da Focea, città greca della Ionia sit...

Visita al Parco Archeologico e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Paestum

Visita guidata al maestoso sito archeologico di Paestum e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale. I suoi fondatori, coloni greci giunti da Sibari intorno al 600 a.C., la chiama...

Giovane Archimede

Questo labaoratorio ha lo scopo di comprendere al meglio e poi mettere in pratica la famosa Spinta Archimedea.  Dopo una presentazione ppt riguardante in tutti i...

Escursione in kayak sul lago

Escursione guidata in kayak sul bacino del lago artificiale sul fiume Alento.   L'attività prevede una escursione didattica con guida qualificata che illustrerà durante il percorso in kayak, le part...

Face to face with Oasi

Technical-naturalistic route with the possibility of adding an educational workshop. It is one of the most popular routes. Entirely dedicated to Oasi Fiume Alento,...

Energy from Nature

Educational path to discover alternative ways to create clean energy, respecting the surrounding environment with hydropower and photovoltaics. What are the dams for? How are they built? What effect...

From Earth to earth

Educational path dedicated to learn through direct experience the life cycle of plants and to take care of a vegetable garden. More and more youngsters are going bac...

Extra Vergin Olive Oil LAB

This path introduces to the science of oil with lab activities that will bring students closer to one of the most ancient practices of the Mediterranean people: the production of olive oil.

In the footsteps of Ancel Keys

Path dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet that traces the history and the founding elements. The route includes a visit to Pioppi and experimental laboratories. A day ded...

Physical and chemical properties of water

Laboratory with different experiments on the study of water properties from its molecular form to chemical and physical properties. Starting from the three-dimension...

Water and Human body

Interactive and educational laboratory dedicated to the analysis of which phenomena the water triggers in our organism from the physiological and chemical-organic point of view.  


Biology educational workshop to learn how to evaluate the quality of the water and the surrounding environment. An indoor and outdoor laboratory to learn what it is...

Air properties

Educational laboratory that allows to know the composition of the air and the substances that alter its composition. The air? Where is it? I see? Can you touch it? H...

I'm woods

Educational workshop on the flora and fauna of the woods. How is a wood made? Let's discover it by walking in the green of the Oasi Fiume Alento. We look, we listen, we smell, we touch trees, bushes, plants, grasses that to...

Green alchemy

Laboratory dedicated to the discovery of medicinal plants and their use, during which techniques will be illustrated to derive some herbal products. A sector of the Mediterranean Botanical Garden is...

Eyes on cells

Educational laboratory that provides the observation of cells and tissues under a microscope to learn and understand the difference between animal and plant cells. 

Driving Miss Froggy

Educational workshop on frogs and amphibians with insights on the morphology of frogs in Oasi, the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult specimen, habitat and ecology.

Frogs life

Educational workshop on frogs and amphibians, the morphology of frogs in Oasi, the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult specimen, habitat and ecology.  What does...

Shooting pictures in nature

Naturalistic photographic laboratory to discover the basic elements of modern photography. Step by step, we will learn to move quietly in the middle of nature, getti...

Soil workshop

This laboratory introduces the pedology, that is the science that studies the soil, with interactive and manual sampling and analysis of the soil.   What is...

Eat healthy, live better

Educational workshop to discover food, healthy eating and the principles that underlie the Mediterranean Diet. Why do we eat? What do we eat? Starting from the food...


This activity of approach to archery is carried out with a qualified instructor and allows you to learn the secrets of one of the oldest hunting tools discovered by man.  

Hiking along Fiumicello Trail

A guided-tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time: 60 '/ Total length: 2.3 km / flat / vertical signs...

Hiking along Eucalypto Trail

Guided tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time: 60'-70 '/ Total length: 3 km / flat and uneven /...

Hiking along CamminAlento Trail

Guided tour along one of the hiking trails in Oasi, to discover the secrets of the Mediterranean scrub. Travel time 6 hours / Total length: 12 km flat, dirt and little elevation gain /...


Orienteering represents the perfect combination of the ability to find bearings in nature and the practice of outdoor physical activity! The students stimulated by an healthy agonism, will have to manoeuvre through paths that wil...

Oasi by bike

Cycling route on a flat dirt road in the middle of the Oasi's lush nature. Cycling means coordination and self-esteem! And then off with a nice ride! But what happens if...


A playful activity that presents one of the most ancient and complex table games ever invented: chess. Rook, knight, king! Check and checkmate! Do you want to play c...

The dam and monitoring systems

Technical tour to the discover of Alento Dam. The guide will explain the history of the structure and how it is used. Internal tunnels and monitoring systems will also be visited.

Visit to the Botanical garden

A visit to the botanical garden of Oasi Fiume Alento to the discovery of the five most representative environments of the Cilento area. The Mediterranean Botanical...

Nature walk in oasis

The naturalistic visit allows you to get familiar with the river environment downstream of the dam, as well as its flora and the habitats created. Guided by an educa...

Visita al Parco Archeologico di Elea-Velia

Visita al sito archeologico di Elea-Velia e scoperta dei suoi tesori   Elea è fondata intorno al 540 a.C. da coloni greci provenienti da Focea, città greca della Ionia sit...

Visita al Parco Archeologico e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Paestum

Visita guidata al maestoso sito archeologico di Paestum e al Museo Archeologico Nazionale. I suoi fondatori, coloni greci giunti da Sibari intorno al 600 a.C., la chiama...

Rocks and lands of Alento (geology)

The workshop provides a technical introduction about the different types of rocks and minerals and a practical time to observe the rocks present. By walking along the around the dam, you will identify minerals and rocks common in the are...

Accompany your students to discover the Cilento Park

Oasis Alento : educational experiences in nature