La Cooperativa Cilento Servizi, per ampliare l'offerta didattica dell\'Oasi, partecipa alle iniziative del Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “per la Scuola”, impegnandosi in azioni formative finalizzate al miglioramento delle competenze chiave degli studenti ed in interventi atti a favorire il loro apprendimento permanente.

Cilento Services Cooperative participates in the “National Operational Programme for school” (PON) cooperating with schools in training activities to improve the skills of the students and promote their lifelong learning. The Cilento Services Cooperative organize stages,training courses and guided tours</strong> (in Oasis and in the Cilento area) in collaboration with other education agencies. The work experiences in companies promote and improve professional skills, worker adaptability and access to employment of students.

During the years , courses have been developed in the form of traning days on the environment, tourism and technology.
The projects, over the years, have explored numerous topics

  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Touristic communication systems
  • Enhancement of cultural heritage and territorial marketing
  • Agri-food products Marketing
  • Training in manufacturing companies
  • Gestione della sicurezza ambientale e del territorio e delle rilevazioni con sistema GPS in area beni artistici e architettonici
  • Clean and renewable energy

Accompany your students to discover the Cilento Park

Oasis Alento : educational experiences in nature