Cilento Servizi S.c.p.a.
Management and maintenance of all services in the complex of Oasi fiume Alento are entrusted to Cilento Servizi S.c.p.a., a company established in Prignano Cilento in 2006. The company is composed of professionals with different backgrounds who carry out their activities in the fields of environmental education and tourism.
A team of professionals amongst biologists, naturalists, geologists, as well as experts in environmental education and communication, organization and tourism marketing allow Cilento Servizi to meet every needs in the tourism and environmental education field.
Guarding and enhancing the natural heritage of the Oasi fiume Alento, increasing its reputation, making it accessible to an ever larger number of visitors and promoting its definitive affirmation as a tourist attraction of absolute quality, for the educational world, for families as well as for nature and sport lovers.
The educational and recreational activities attract visitors, but the development of the Oasi is pledged and supported only by a deep ecological culture and the absolute respect of nature and environmental resources.
Project funded by the Measure 6.4.1 " Creation and development of diversified agricultural enterprises " of P.S.R. Campania 2014/2020